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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Medicine for High Blood Pressure

Consequences of high blood pressure are life threatening. This may lead to various diseases like stroke, heart fail, heart attack, kidney and eye problems as well as this leads to memory loss. There are no symptoms to identify high blood pressure, which is also known as hypertension therefore people don’t come to know that they have it. Hence, it is also referred as ‘silent killer’. To overcome this problem people must go to doctor to have regular check up after every five years. If the person’s blood pressure is on margin then he should go for regular check up every year.

A patient must start taking medicines if once he or she comes to know that his or her blood pressure is above normal. Before starting the treatment of any patient doctors may decide that what treatment would be the best considering the patient’s age, ethnicity, other medications, and allergies. Doctors have commonly prescribed beta-blockers in past but due to the adverse side effects of sleepiness and cold hands, now the medication is infrequently prescribed to lower blood pressure.

Diuretics (water tablets) are also prescribed by the doctors to release excess salt and water in the body. After taking this medicine patient suffer with frequent urination until the patient’s blood pressure is regulated. Therefore, this medicine should be taken at convenient time. For instance, if you take diuretics in night then your whole night would be restless because of your frequent trips to rest room. Patient may need to take potassium pills with some diuretics because a diet high in potassium also may be needed. Potassium levels and kidney function are watched closely as the dose increases.

Vasodilators are also used to lower down the high blood pressure but they are not commonly used alone because of the significant drop in blood pressure that they cause, which may lead to heart palpitations or rapid heartbeat. They may be used in some critical situations like if a person is in a hypertensive crisis or when other classes of medicine are not effective in controlling hypertension.

Medications usually have side effects, which may be difficult for a person to handle. Other alternatives may also help to cure high blood pressure without the sign of side effects. You should talk to your doctor because different people need different treatments. You must contact your doctor if your blood pressure is above average because taking this lightly may lead to severe complications later and discuss with your doctor that what medication would be better for you.

Oral Acne Treatments

Oral acne treatments ensure an acne free face and body. Oral acne treatments always make use of various kinds of capsules and antibiotic pills that can well fight acne-causing bacteria and controls inflammation caused by acne. Apart from these oral acne treatments, there are various oral acne medications that can eliminate acne completely, reduce blemishes and scars, and control any further burst of acne. All these oral acne treatments along with the medications promise you with a clear, acne-free and glowing skin.

Use of antibiotics

Oral acne treatments include the use of antibiotics like Minocycline, Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and Trimothoprim. Another very useful and effective oral medication is Isotretinoin that has the same molecular structure as that of Vitamin A. These oral acne treatments include medicines reduces the effect that fatty foods can impose on our body. Deep-fried foods or fatty foods leads to further burst of acne, so one should have a balanced diet as well as these oral medications to reduce fat content and eliminate acne.

Oral acne medications include consuming Accutane that provides long-term results for an acne free skin. These oral medicines actually help to control the secretion of oil thereby unclogging the pores underneath the skin surface. In case of treating severe cases of acne, the oral acne medications are combined with topical agents for enhanced results. The oral contraceptives often decrease the level of androgens, thereby decreasing oil secretion and reducing acne. But to compensate the intake of high-dose medicines, one should also have proper balanced diet comprising fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables.

How do the oral acne medications work?

Other typical oral medications that you can consume include Retin-A, Cyproterone Acetate, Clindamycin, Adapalene and Sodium Sulfacetamide. All these oral medicines can reduce the sudden bursts of acne and acne scars in both children and adults. You should take these capsules as directed with fat-containing foods [like 2% or whole milk]. The fat in the foods helps the acne germs to be fully absorbed thereby promising you acne-free skin. Pregnant women, however, need to use two reliable forms of contraception while taking this medication. The daily dose for normal people is determined at 0.5 to 1 mg per kg of your body weight.

All of these oral medications act as an anti-androgen thereby reducing the formation of acne and acne scars. Isotretinoin is an approved oral medication that prevents the maturing of sebaceous glands. It is these sebaceous glands that produce different oil and influence the lining of the hair follicles to produce acne bursts. Other medications help change the composition of oil to prevent the pores from clogging up with bacteria and pus.

Oral acne medications are truly most effective therapies that can reduce acne, however severely they affect your face and skin. They also reduce the risk of intense scarring. However, you should take the doses as prescribed by your doctor. Regularly undergo blood tests and blood pressure monitoring tests to make effective use of these medications and avoid any side effects.

Swine Flu - Alternative Medicine Solutions

Swine Flu – Alternative Medicine Solutions

Swine flu cases are set to grow exponentially over the next few months. The chief medical officers have been predicting and warning us all about a flu pandemic for a number of years now. This flu not only brings the same aches and pains but comes with a ‘cytokine storm’ that causes symptoms that may lead to pneumonia. This may be fatal so all asthmatics beware. This time the warnings are real.

In this article I will set out some natural medicines you should be taking to stop getting infected by swine flu and also some remedies to treat it if you do. All of these suggestions are based on modern scientific research. However, if you suspect you have swine flu you must go to your doctor to be on the safe side, especially if you are having breathing difficulties and having chest pain. Best thing overall is to try and make yourself less susceptible. In pandemics like this, large groups of people do not get infected as there are less susceptible.

There are more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold and flu, and usually the signs of infection strike, 18 to 24 hours after the virus enter the body. So here are some very simple and effective ways of both boosting your immunity so we escape infection and self-treatment if you do catch the swine flu. These will help bring about a quicker recovery. All natural medicine interventions must focus on not only boosting the immune system but rather a balance between stimulating the immunity and reducing the production of cytokines causing a storm and its harmful life threatening effects.

What Is Swine Flu?

Swine flu is the flu that is causing the latest flu pandemic worldwide. The flu is a respiratory disease that affects pigs. However it is now affecting humans at massive levels. Flu normally affects vulnerable people like the very young and old however swine flu attacks the healthy person – the 18 to 50s section of the world. One disturbing feature of this virus is that it causes a ‘cytokine storm’ in the body. A cytokine is a biochemical that normally responds to infections and directs the immune system. However in swine flu they are over produced causing harm to the body organs and causing fluid to build in the lungs. As well as all the regular flu symptoms such as headaches, aches, pneumonia can also develop as a result of swine flu.

The Cytokene Storm – Damage Control

The cytokine storm that is created by the body in response to the swine flu is caused by the swine flu being unaffected by the body’s immune response. This causes an over production of cytokines ( TFN-a and IL-6) by the body. This is what killed many people during the Spanish flu in 1918 in the USA. Foods such as; honey, chocolate, spirulena algae and particularly elderberry need to be avoided as they increase the production of cytokines in the body. Try and drink lots of apple, lemon and cranberry juice who have all shown an ability to decrease cytokine production in the body. . Cut out all mucous forming especially diary foods as the respiratory system is the virus breeding ground.

So it’s not just the virus you have to watch out for it’s actually the cytokine storm. The more people that become aware of this the better for both its treatment and outcomes.

Natural Medicine

Natural medicine has been practiced for centuries and moreover in the prevention of disease as well as the treatment of it. Over 80% of the world use herbal medicine as the first method of medical treatment. Natural medicine has been used very successfully when there has been a major health crisis taking place. Especially during the Spanish flu epidemic where you had a better survival rate if you went to a homeopathic hospital

Neurominidase Blockers

The swine flu virus needs neurominidase enzyme in order to replicate. An enzyme is a biological catalyst. The first thing you must do is to decrease you susceptibility to the virus. In order to do this a vitamin and mineral supplement is necessary as part of your diet. Drink the juices of apple, lemon and cranberry juice. Vitamin C and vitamin E has been shown to reduce flu virus loads and also a reduction in cytokines by blocking neurominidase. Green tea has also a very good effect in reduction of cytokine production.

Vitamin Supplements

You should also be taking a proper vitamin and mineral supplement to guard you against flu and also a whole load of other diseases. However this vitamin and minerals you should be taking must be in a food form and not isolated synthetic chemical like ascorbic acid that is sold internationally as vitamin C. The real nutrients that you are looking for can be found at StarGate Nutrition Vitamin website. All their nutrients are in a nature form that your body will understand. They provide the full spectrum of required vitamins and minerals. You should be focusing on lemon juice for vitamin C and also to alkalize your blood to make it more inhabitable for the swine flu virus. The mineral zinc needs to be also consumed and the best way is by eating oysters and sunflower seeds which are foods naturally high in these minerals.


Popular for years in Asia with over 250,000 doctors qualified as homeopathy in India alone, homeopathy has recently become Europe’s fastest growing form of alternative medicine. Last year sales of homeopathic medicines in Europe topped £3billion. Debate about how it scientifically works are heated, but most Europeans are now going to a homeopath as their first course of treatment and 20 per cent of Scottish GPs currently practice the specialty. Many scientific studies have been carried out to proves its efficacy medically and especially in flu outbreaks such as this.

Critics of homeopathy say that the medicine is no more than the placebo effect psychological factors causing improvement unrelated to drug therapy. However, Dr David Reilly of The Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital led a team of scientists who compared placebo and homeopathy in four trials conducted over 15 years in patients with allergies such as hayfever and asthma. All four studies showed a greater effect from the homeopathic medicine than from the placebo. Overall there have been over 200 trials and over 70 per cent of these conclude that homeopathy is better than placebo. Private European insurers cover homeopathic treatments, and The World Health Organisation recommends them. A few years ago Spain took an initiative to incorporate homeopathy into its national health service.

A report to the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1921 documented the dramatic success of homeopathy in the worst flu pandemic in history. The death rate of 24,000 flu cases under conventional medical care in that study was 28.2 percent, while the death rate of 26,000 cases treated with homeopathy was a nearly miraculous 1.05 percent.

When a similar strain of bird flu, misleadingly termed Spanish Flu, spread around the world in 1918, there is no doubt that it had catastrophic consequences. 50 million people died. Nevertheless, American hospital statistics from the time show thathomeopathic treatment gave a far better chance of survival than conventional treatment did. The statistics are reported in Randall Neustaedter's excellent book "Flu: Alternative Treatments and Prevention".

For at least the past 150 years homeopathic practitioners have used the medicine Influenzinum as a flu preventive.Influenzinum is a homeopathic medicine made from flu viruses. A proprietary preparation is produced by homeopathic pharmacies each year using the flu virus strains recommended by the World Health Organization for the year’s vaccine production (Dolivaxil – containing Influenzinum 9C). The typical dosage is once per week for four weeks beginning in October or later, followed by another dose three weeks later.

You should have Gelsemium 30c in your house and take when someone sneezes in a bus or your office. This can stop the virus taking root in the body and acts as a preventative.

The first medicine used in France to treat flu is Oscillococcinum made by Boiron and sells 7 million euros annually. Boiron was bought recently by the Bayer group.

Oscillococcinum Alternative Medicine To Tamiflu

This remedy recently toped pharmacy sales list and sales in the US alone are in the region of £20 million. A course costs of Oscillococcinum costs £6, which is used regularly by 5 million French for the prevention of colds and flu’s every year. Lets face it five million French can’t be wrong?

Oscillococcinum was first studied in France during the 1987 flu epidemic caused by an H1N1 virus similar to the bird flu of today. This multi-centre study examined the effect of Oscillococcinum (200C) on the early symptoms of flu. Results were published in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. More patients in the treatment group recovered completely in the first 48 hours than the control group (17 percent of patients with active treatment compared to 10 percent of controls). More patients in the treatment group also judged the treatment as favorable compared to the placebo, 61 percent vs 49 percent (Ferley, 1989).

In 1990 German scientists replicated the French study of Oscillococcinum. They used the same criteria as the previous study and enrolled 372 patients. After 48 hours of treatment with Oscillococcinum the treatment group had considerably milder symptoms than the control group, and the number of patients with no symptoms from day two onward was significantly greater in the treatment group (17.4 percent) compared to the control group (6.6 percent) (Papp, 1998).

Both of these studies show a significant curative effect of a homeopathic medicine in the treatment of flu in carefully conducted, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Conventional antiviral drugs reduce the duration of flu by about one day if taken within the first 48 hours of illness (Cooper, 2003). These studies shows that homeopathy carries the potential to make a dramatic difference in any flu epidemic without the risk of drug side effects.

However, is anyone planning to stockpile homeopathic medicines proven to effectively treat the flu for over one hundred years?

St Johns Worth & Goldenseal NOT Echinacea.

Many people might be reaching for the herbal remedy called Echinacea to treat their swine flu or prevent it by boosting the immune system. Stop. In swine flu treatment Echinacea will cause the production of cytokines which will further damage your body.

The best herbs to use during this flu are St Johns Worth which is a potent antiviral as well as a famous antidepressant. The herbs adaptogenic qualities may help the body adapt to the cytokine storm making it have less an impact.

Turmeric, the spice, has an ability to be more powerful the pharmaceutical cox-2 inhibitors. Turmeric works in swine flu by blocking the production of cytokines. One herb I have been personally using over the past few years is Goldenseal which reduces colds and flu’s symptoms quite dramatically. Very little is written about it. Garlic is essential to include in your diet and has an affinity for the lungs as a herb. This can assist in blocking the development of pneumonia and reduce any lung infection by taking at least one clove mashed a day. Parsley will reduce the odour if you need it.


Tea tree essential oil from Australia that is very popular world wide is really important in terms of it being the only essential oil that is anti - viral bacterial and fungal. Lavender is very useful in the production of white blood cells. Tea tree oil may reduce the viral load causing a reduction in cytokine load.


Natural bacteria in the gut are essential to maintaining proper health and digestive functioning. Antibiotics not only kill the organisms that cause colds and flu’s but also kill the good gut bacteria. In order to reintroduce the effects of the bacteria you reintroduce them by eating bioactive yoghurts made with strains of gut bacteria such as Lactobacillus. This may also help to reduce any thrush symptoms caused from antibiotics.

5HTP Side Effects

5HTP is a natural supplement used to treat depression, sleep disorders and overeating. 5HTP has shown itself to be generally safe during the past forty years of scientific testing and seems to be tolerated better by a larger number of people than its pharmaceutical cousins, the SSRI antidepressants like Prozac and Paxil.

Of course, nothing is completely without side effects so anyone taking 5HTP needs to be alert to the possible side effects.

5HTP has been tested enough to reveal a distinct pattern of side effects. The most common side effect of 5HTP treatment is intestinal or stomach upset. This is because about 90% of the serotonin in your body is actually not in your brain, but in your intestines.

Among other things, serotonin helps regulate the involuntary contractions of the intestines, called peristalsis, which flush waste through your system. Your intestines are loaded with serotonin so any changes in levels can affect this entire process.

Specifically which digestive side effects you might experience by taking 5HTP will depend on your personal state of health. Anything within the gamut of digestive system complaints could occur, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, even vomiting. Some people report this side effect being less severe, or even disappearing completely, if they take their 5HTP with a meal.

About 3 to 5% of people who take 5HTP report digestive-related side effects. They can range from mild to severe.

Digestive disturbances due to 5HTP treatment are most likely to be extreme with people who already have chronic digestive disorders. So if you suffer with irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, celiac sprue, ulcers or any among a long list of digestive problems, perhaps 5HTP treatment is not a good option for you. Please consult with a health care practitioner in your area.

Another reported side effect with 5HTP is vivid dreams, sometimes escalating to nightmares. This side effect occurs because dreaming and sleep depend heavily on serotonin. 5HTP and sleep go together like a chilly night and a goose-down comforter. This is why 5HTP treatment is so helpful for people with sleep disorders. 5HTP can help set the serotonin level back to a healthy level for better sleep.

On the flip side, because the biological process of sleep is delicate, 5HTP might cause your sleep to become disrupted. Everyone is different in this regard and while some enjoy extreme dreams, others find it upsetting. Often, people report that their dreams return to normal once their body adjusts to having a higher level of 5HTP and serotonin. Rarely, people choose to stop taking 5HTP because this side effect bothers them.

As you would expect, digestive disturbances and vivid dreams are both commonly reported side effects with all treatments that affect serotonin levels, such as the SSRI antidepressants, like Prozac or Paxil.

For best protection against side effects when taking 5HTP, start with a low dosage, such as 50mg or less once per day, and increase gradually. Sometimes it's advisable to give your body periodic breaks from taking 5HTP. Taking breaks can lower the incidence of side effects too. Some people experience relief from side effects if they take 5HTP with meals.

The incidence of side effects from 5HTP is lower than it is with many other medicines. This is because 5HTP is a pure substance found already in the body. It isn't a complex substance with many components that break down, spread throughout the body and wreck unintended havoc. 5HTP functions in the body in a relatively straight forward manner.

The same can't be said for other most other medicines. Virtually every medicine known has some components that are beneficial and others that aren't. It's these unwanted components that lead to unpleasant side effects. The more pure a medicinal molecule is, the easier the body can assimilate it and this fact is to the benefit of anyone taking 5HTP.

When compared to the number of people who find the side effects of treatment objectionable, 5HTP generally fares better than its pharmaceutical counterparts. For example, in a study conducted by researcher Dr. H. M. van Praag, only 3% of the study group taking 5HTP quit, while 9% of the group receiving an SSRI left the study.

All medicines produce side effects people find intolerable, it's to be expected. The question isn't IF people don't like the treatment, it's how many people object to the point of discontinuation? With 5HTP, the answer is generally less than with comparable treatments.

All in all, 5HTP side effects are minimal or nonexistent for most people. The vast majority of people who take 5HTP report a positive experience. Dr. L.J. van Hiele, who has been one of the leading researchers of 5HTP, reported, "no contraindications or significant side effects in our series of tests...follow-ups of the blood pressure, living function, urine and EEG's revealed no anomalies."

Of course, this generally positive news does not negate the fact that some people find 5HTP side effects intolerable. All medications should be judged by weighing the benefits against the risks. Only you can determine where the line is right for you.

Finding The Best Migraine Medicine For You

Magraine is a common complaint affecting thousands of Americans, especially women. It presents as severe headache coupled with nausea and discomfort. The sufferer is quite unable to do any useful activity during a bout of migraine. Episodes come unannounced and for no apparent reason. Pain could subside on its own or by taking migraine medicine. Thus, it is not possible to predict onset of migraine and hence, migraine episodes interfere with his or her routine activities. Hence, those who suffer migraine usually follow certain remedies that include medication as well.

The exact cause or origin of migraine is not yet clear. Therefore, treatment strategies focus on relieving symptoms as and when they arise. Relief from migraine depends on the severity and duration of attack. For moderate intensity and short duration, one could rest lying down preferably in a dark room. If lucky to get sleep, the pain would pass on waking up. This is not however an ideal solution for it could eat away time from other tasks lined up. Hence, patients turn to migraine medicine.

There are three types of medicine that are effective in relieving migraine pain. The first group includes pain relievers or anti-inflammatory drugs. Examples are acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen. Acetaminophen is a popular over-the-counter drug that is suitable for mild attacks of migraine. For frequent moderate to intense episodes, you could use a combination of acetaminophen and ibuprofen after consulting your doctor. Although these are safe, non-steroidal drugs, it is better to check for adverse effects in long-term use of migraine medicine. Always use according to directions on the package. A possible home remedy is to drink black coffee after taking the pill.

The other categories of drugs used as migraine medicine are triptans and prophylactics. Both are prescription medication and adequate medical supervision is necessary while taking them. Your doctor would suggest them in the case of severe attacks depending on the timing of seeking advice.

Triptan that is available commercially as Imitrex can reduce or eliminate symptoms when you know a headache is imminent. If you delay, oral medication may not work because of the changes resulting from progression of the migraine.

Prophylactic migraine medicine includes beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers and anti-depressants. These work best as preventive drugs and are used on a daily basis as maintenance treatment. Appropriate medical evaluation is necessary and doctors prescribe them for those who have frequent attacks or are prone to injure themselves in migraine episodes.

inese Medicine For High Cholesterol

much cholesterol in the blood (high blood cholesterol) can be a severe medical condition that can result to varying circumstances that can be harmful to the body. Individuals may not notice that they have high blood cholesterol concentration present in the blood because this condition is not capable of producing symptoms. There are greater chances of getting heart related diseases when there is high blood cholesterol. Just like conventional Western medicine practice, there is also available Chinese medicine for high blood cholesterol. Excessive cholesterol in the blood accumulates in the arterial walls that may cause narrowing of the arteries. This condition can cause hardening of the arteries; medically termed as atherosclerosis. In addition to this, high cholesterol is also a precursor for hypertension. Since Chinese medicine is aimed at treating the underlying cause for medical conditions, hypertension caused by high cholesterol is treated by controlling high cholesterol level initially. While lifestyle modification can help reduce high blood cholesterol, Chinese medicine for high cholesterol can also be an efficient alternative if you want to treat the condition naturally. Acupuncture is an acceptable form of treatment that has long been part of Chinese medicine. At present, several western cultures consider acupuncture as a mew alternative medicine. Acupuncture is one method used in Chinese medicine that is vital in the management of high cholesterol level in the blood.

Is Alternative Medicine Safe and Effective?

As a kid I remember that when I would get a tummy ache, my mom would ask me to lie down and slowly sip through a drink of homemade lemonade with a dash of black salt, before dad could take me to a physician.

Today when I look back and remember, I reckon that to treat my tummy ache I was put on a course of an integrative medicine Alternative Medicine (the lemonade) + Conventional Medicine (physician prescribed drugs).

Alternative Medicine & Its Usage

Complementary and Alternative Medicine or CAM, comprises a broad range of healthcare practices, products, and systems, which don't form a part of the conventional medicine. For instance, herbal materials, preparations and products used by Asian systems of medicine such as Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese medicine. It also includes practices viz. Acupressure, acupuncture, aromatherapy, or mind body approaches such as prayer, mental healing, meditation, etc.

Moreover, a lot of people around the world use Alternative medicines, for example in China it makes up for about 40% of healthcare delivered, in Africa 80% of the population uses it, about 48% Australians have used it at least once. In North America, 42% of USA and 70% of Canada have used it at least once. Usage is similar in Europe too, for instance 75% of France has used it at least once.

Is It Effective?

"It is," "it isn't," and "I can't say," all of these at the same time. Given the scientific research conducted on Alternative medicine till now, it appears that a sweeping statement would be a bit too far fetched.

For instance, evidence in support of acupuncture, many herbal medicines and manual treatments does exist. On the other hand St. John's wort didn't seem to have an affect on the symptoms of ADHD in children and adolescents (Weber W, Vander Stoep A, McCarty RL, et al, 2008). And that, "I can't say," because research on many such treatments is unavailable.

Is It Safe?

Today, a perception exists that if something is natural or organic, it can't be harmful. This belief might not be true in all cases, e.g. Snake venom is all natural and organic, but is it safe for human consumption?

Sometimes herbs can be harmful by their very nature, e.g. kava and comfrey are herbs but still have been associated with liver damage.

At other times inappropriate regulation or administration of herbs and therapeutic procedures could render highly effective alternative treatments hazardous. Consider acupuncture, though it's been found to be effective, but if unsterilized needles are used it could lead to infection. Similarly, an overdose of Ephedra, a herbal remedy of respiratory congestion may lead to heart attacks, strokes and even death.

Forget herbs, an overdose of water too can lead to water intoxication and even death. Herbs aren't an exception and some of them may even react undesirably with other conventional medication, or some might not be suitable for consumption during pregnancy.

However, undesirable consequences of alternative treatments due to inappropriate administration, by no means imply that alternative treatments are unsafe by themselves. Rather, proven alternative medicines when properly administered, are not only safe, potent and cost effective, but also offer patients a choice.

Nutrition - What Are the Nutritional Needs

Nutrition as it applies to our daily lives means that we take in what we need to maintain our body's healthy state. Nutrition has become an important word thanks to the involvement of the USDA in our daily food requirements, and the FDA's involvement in determining what is and is not dangerous for us to consume.

But what is our responsibility in the nutrition game? Do we understand what our nutritional requirements are, how to fulfill those requirements, and how to look for real nutritional value in our foods?

I'm not sure that nutrition has been successfully addressed in its own right. We hear nutrition in relation to our vitamin intake, our fortified cereals and milk, and in the context that we need "nutritional value" from our food choices. But what really is nutrition when applied to our daily bodily functions?

Today, we must determine how much nourishment we need, how much physical exercise we need, and how best to accomplish those ends. Calorie needs, nutritional needs, physical needs, and education about those needs now is information we should all understand, at least as it applies to our individual self.

If you will visit your local doctor, library, or fitness center, there is massive amounts of information available to help educate and to help you make good health choices, no matter what the age group.

Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, in our ability to keep it healthy and functioning as it is supposed to do. Our ability to provide the body with all it's necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we continue to thrive in our daily life processes.

If you were to take a cross section of the population, and check for adequate levels of the most used and fortified vitamins and minerals, you would probably find that as high as 80% or the population is lacking in a least one of the vitamins and minerals.

Now, that doesn't sound too bad, until you stop to think, what if it's calcium? A calcium deficiency brings on osteoporosis, a deteriorating of the bone. This disease alone costs millions in medical expense to the population.

Can you see how a little more cooperation and open-minded participation on the part of our medical field could result in far fewer health problems? It would also have provided the general population with a viable way to discern their nutrition, vitamin and mineral needs, accurately.

So how do we determine that we are providing the essential nutritional needs? That knowledge comes by educating ourselves about what our individual needs are, the needs of our family, and then taking that knowledge and applying it to the foods we buy, that we prepare, and that our families consume.

Quite often, our vitamin and mineral needs outweigh our caloric needs. In those instances, we turn to manufactured vitamins and minerals to fill the gap. This is a part of our nutritional needs, also.

Nutrition is one of the most complex areas to gain useful knowledge about, because there are so many components, and because each person has their own individual needs.

Women needs differ from those of men, and older women's needs differ from those of a young girl. As we age, our needs constantly change; therefore continual education about nutrition is a fact of life. The nutritional needs of a cardiac patient are different than those of a healthy, middle-aged hiker.

Can you see the complexity of the situation now? What we really need is to develop a scale that determines the nutritional needs of our bodies on a cellular level, so that as we age, as our physical condition changes, or our health changes, we can recalculate our needs, based on cellular changes and content in our body.

Alcoholism Symptoms: Detect and Rehabilitate

Alcoholism symptoms are vital in detecting problems related to alcoholism at an earlier stage and can prove dangerous, if it is ignored. Ignorance of obvious symptoms of alcoholism can result in fatal consequences. Alcoholism is a progressive, degenerative medical condition that can affect the vital organs and result in fatalities. Alcoholism can affect the family, friends and career of the alcoholic, in an adverse manner. The Symptoms of alcoholism are both mental and physical.

Alcoholism symptoms can be psychological, social and even spiritual. The most obvious symptom is the persistent use of alcohol in spite of mental and physical difficulties. Many alcoholics are overwhelmed with the desire to quit drinking but revoke their decision, owing to alcohol dependency. The increased tolerance for alcohol is another, commonly seen symptom. The symptoms are not restricted to the physical level alone but they affect the mind, also.

Aggressive and violent behavior is one among common alcoholism symptoms. This affects the work place relationships, family bonding and friendships. The irritable and irrational behavior displayed, when an alcoholic has not consumed drinks results in spoiling the reputation, relationship at a personal as well as social level. Family and friends are depressed and worried about the state of affairs and the normal life is affected by alcoholism, in a person.

The physical and mental health of a person gets deteriorated, when he or she takes recourse to drinking. A few changes in the behavior of a person can be concluded as early signs of a 'drinking' problem, in the person. A set pattern in drinking, excessive everyday consumption of alcohol, frequent episodes of intoxication and loss of control are few early symptoms of alcoholism.

Alcohol dependence is a severe problem faced by multitudes of people all over the world. The symptoms of alcohol dependence are many. Alcoholics neglect the routine activities in their lives like social, occupational and recreational activities and excessively consume large quantity of alcohol. Control on one's self is impaired by alcoholism and alcoholics use alcohol persistently. Withdrawal is a common symptom of alcoholism and withdrawal symptoms like shakiness, nausea, sweating and anxiety are common among alcoholics, when they do not use alcohol. Tolerance for alcohol ranks among major alcoholism symptoms.

Since alcoholism affects the mind of a person, many psychological symptoms of alcoholism exist. The psychological symptoms can be agonizing and debilitating like the other physical symptoms of alcoholism. Lacks of interest, Loss of control, obsession towards drinking, depression, sleep related disorders, anxiety, aggressive behavior and lack of concentration and focus are the most common psychological symptoms of 'drinking' related problems.

Alcoholism, when it reaches its final stage has serious social repercussions .The social symptoms of alcoholism are very apparent, even at an earlier stage and they worsen up as the effect of alcoholism increases, in a person. Withdrawal symptoms can be considered to be the most obvious social symptoms of alcoholism. Withdrawal from family, friends and social activities, legal problems, work-related issues, arguments and aggression within the family and friendships are alcoholism symptoms. There are many spiritual symptoms of alcoholism too. Self-centeredness, self-pity, restlessness, discontent, etc are common spiritual symptoms in an alcoholic.

Some Symptoms of Stress

There are many symptoms related to stress. It is only when our mind and body does not overcome the amount of stress that we have many symptoms of stress.

Symptoms of stress can be a death sentence. Stress symptoms can include gastrointestinal problems and this is why it is very difficult for the person to rYou want to be more specific? Your heart beat is related to stress. At rest it beats to pump blood through your body. The more you work, the harder it beats and when you really over-do it, it can't keep up with your demands.

Physical stress, emotional stress, and nutritional stress all exhibit symptoms of stress in different parts of the body and mind.
But the question isn't all the symptoms of stress that society keeps chasing. It is in finding the cause of stress related to your symptoms. Remove the cause of your stress and you remove the affect of your stress.

How to remove the cause of your stress takes work and dedication. There are some tools that work and some things you can do that will increase your stress. Find what works for you and make a stress management plan for a lifetime.

Stress is a normal response of your body to situations that you perceive as 'dangerous'. We all have amounts of stress every day that we each have to deal with.

Burn this into your brain: Any symptom you have is related to stress to some degree or another!
A great practice to get into is to correlate the symptom you have to a particular stress. Is your symptom related to lack of sleep, bad food, insufficient exercise, or emotional stress?

Can you even identify your stress? Is your stress buried deep?

When you ask pointed questions about your symptom and your stress you might find an answer you need to move beyond your current level of health.

Physical symptoms of stress are virtually any symptoms that show up. Physical symptoms are a mirror from the body to the stress the person is going through. Chronic stress brings with it many of the physical symptoms you are probably dealing with today.

Symptoms caused by stress go through many physiological changes.

The first effect on the body is that blood is diverted from less vital to more vital organs. Over time and amount chronic stress, less blood in a certain area causes that area to become malnourished. Then this body part may give physiological symptoms.
All due to a stress response and reaction by the body. The cure? Remove the stress--THEN attend to the physical symptom.
After a period of time, body will nourish the non-vital area once again and the body will heal. Can you see why addressing the physical symptom of stress without finding the cause of stress is foolish?

The first hallmark sign of the body’s reaction to stress is dysfunction of the adrenal glands; an adrenal enlargement. These are the stress glands of choice in the body. These glands literally become fatigued and "stressed".

The second effect in reaction to stress is the activity of the lymphatic system; an intense shrinkage or atrophy of the thymus, the spleen, the lymph nodes and lymphatic structures throughout the body. They cannot keep immune surveillance. Do you know people who are always sick? Check out their stress and you'll find a correlation.

Symptoms Of Acid Reflux In Children

Acid reflux symptoms in children and infants can be hard to detect. The lack of clear communication is a major stumbling block. Frequently children cannot even tell you where it hurts or give you good clues to what is happening to them. Infants of course can only complain and cry which increases stress levels and urgency. This is especially true for those children suffering from symptoms of acid reflux or gastric esophageal reflux (GER) also known as plain gastric reflux. According to experts the most common acid reflux symptoms in children include frequent or chronic vomiting, persistent cough chest pain, wet burps and regurgitating and reswallowing. Unfortunately some of these symptoms are also common with healthy children and infants.

Additional symptoms of acid reflux in children include bad breath, constant crying (colic), picky eating, sore throat, ear infections, nighttime sleep problems, gagging and choking, drooling, chronic running nose and many more. Any parent will identify with many of these listed symptoms. Every child has one or more of these symptoms before he or she reaches the terrible twos. So what is a father or mother to do since so many of these symptoms are caused by something or many things that have nothing to do with acid reflux symptoms in children? The easiest answer is to consult with your pediatrician or family physician. Children frequently do out grow acid reflux disorders. However, ignoring acid reflux symptoms in children can lead to a more serious condition called GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease. Basically you cannot afford to take a chance and need to consult with a medical professional that is familiar with acid reflux symptoms in children.

Acid reflux symptoms in children are diagnosed by providing the doctor a list to the child's observed symptoms. These details and along with a good exam should allow the doctor to make a correct diagnosis. However there are times when additional test may be required especially if gastro esophageal reflux disease is suspected. Many doctors will use a pH probe to determine acid level above the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. This valve or sphincter is supposed to keep stomach acid from flowing up the esophagus. However if the muscle that controls the opening and closing of LES is weak or damaged then acid is allowed to reflux up the esophagus. The pH probe is passed through the nose into the esophagus. This thin tube then left in the lower portion of the esophagus where it measures the pH levels and frequency of gastric reflux over a period of 12 to 24 hours. If high levels of acid reflux are detected then further test may be required. Frequently an endoscope is placed down the esophagus to determine the condition of the LES and damage to the esophagus from acid reflux. If Severe damage is detected a diagnosis of GERD will likely be made requiring further tests and immediate treatment.

Symptoms of acid reflux in children can be treated effectively using changes in care and lifestyle. Simple things that you can use mitigate the symptoms for an infant or small child include keeping the baby upright after feeding even if he or she falls a sleep. Elevating the head of the crib and frequently checking to make sure the baby's head is higher than it abdomen. Initiating the feeding of solid food will also help. Keep a log of what and when you feed the baby to help you isolate food or drink that may increase the symptoms of acid reflux in your child. Make sure you discuss these options with your doctor prior to applying them.

Symptoms of acid reflux in older children may be addressed and treated by changing what and how they eat. Several smaller meals each day will lessen the pressure on the LES muscle and reduce gastric reflux. Again elevating the head of your childs bed will reduce the pressure on the LES muscle and assure a good nights sleep which in itself reduces stress and increases the well being of the child. Raising the bed a mere 3 inches using a bricks or two 2X4 boards will be sufficient to accomplish the needed incline. Do not let your child lay down for at least 30 minutes after eating. Also do not let your children sit in front of the TV or computer for hours at a time. Exercise is an important factor in digestion and growth which will reduce the symptoms of acid reflux in your children. Most importantly limit high acid foods, carbonated beverages, high sugar drinks and spicy foods from your childrens diet. In addition there is an apparent link between childhood obesity and symptoms of heartburn in Children. Exercise and a healthy diet will go a long way in reducing symptoms of acid reflux in children

If you suspect your child is suffering from the symptoms of acid reflux you should consult your pediatrician or doctor for a proper diagnosis. Many symptoms of acid reflux in children are masked or are similar to those from other conditions. Most children naturally outgrow the acid reflux heartburn problems. However acid reflux symptoms in children if left untreated may lead to a more serious condition. Prescribed medications can be used in cases of severe symptoms or when GERD is diagnosed. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to reducing and or curing the symptoms of acid reflux in children

Allergy Symptoms

Usually, substances such as pollen, animal dander, and dust are harmless. However, some of us have an immune system that believes these ordinary substances are a threat. In response, the body creates antibodies normally reserved for fighting true dangers, such as bacteria and viruses. Since the immune system incorrectly believes the allergen to be threat, it begins to create an immune response as if it were fighting off an illness. The immune system's response is what causes nearly all allergy symptoms.

There are a wide range of symptoms associated with allergies, and none of them are very pleasant. Allergy symptoms can range from very mild to life-threatening. If you suffer from allergies, you are not alone. Allergies, and other hypersensitivity reactions, currently affect approximately 30% of the population. The following is a list of some common allergy symptoms:

Nasal Symptoms are a common allergic reaction to a variety of allergens. Sometimes called Allergic rhinitis, or "hayfever", these symptoms afflict 20% of the US population and are often a result of airborne pollens, dander, dust or other allergens. Some common nasal allergy symptoms include:

Nasal Congestion (Stuffiness)
Runny nose
Itchy nose
Impaired Sense of Smell
Swollen Nasal Membrain
Sinus Headaches
Sore Throat (caused by nasal drip)

Skin Symptoms like hives, contact dermatitis, and exema (charachterized by inflamed, itchy or dry skin) are all relatively common forms of allergic reactions. Usually these types of skin symptoms occur when the skin comes into direct contact with an allergen, or it can be an immune response to eating food that you're allergic too. Some of these conditions can cause small, reddish bumps. They are caused by an inflammatory reaction, causing leakage from the capillaries of your skin.

Eye Symptoms, or Allergic conjunctivitis, is a common allergic reaction to many different types of allergens and can be caused by an allergen physically getting in the eyes, such as dust, or as a side-effect of a food allergy. It is caused when the conjunctiva (the membrane covering the white part of the eye) enflames due to allergy. One of the most common causes is hay fever. Symptoms consist of redness (mainly due to the swelling of small blood vessels), itching and increased tear production.

Ear pain, especially in children, is often a result of fluid building up pressure behind the eardrum. The middle ear is connected to the nasal passages by a short narrow tube, known as the Eustachian tube. The Eustachian tube drains fluids out of the middle ear, and helps keep the pressure of the ear equalized. Allergies can cause inflammation of the Eustachian tube, and cause secretions to build up, preventing the normal flow of fluid. This happens more often with children, because their Eustachian tube is shorter. These accumulating fluids can cause stuffiness, pain, hearing loss, and ear infections.

Headaches are not as common as other allergy symptoms, but some individuals will experience headaches, whether alone or in conjunction with other symptoms like nasal congestion.

Fatigue (tired feeling) can be caused by the immune response that you body is creating. Just like when you're sick, it takes a lot of energy for you body to get better. Even though you are not technically sick, your body thinks you are. That's what makes you feel so tired. In addition, some allergy medications can cause additional drowsiness.

Food Allergy Reactions happen when your body mistakes certain foods as harmful, and the reaction can become more severe every time the food allergen is encountered, but sometimes children can outgrow mild food allergies. Allergic reactions to food usually happen within a few minutes of eating the offending food, but it can sometimes take several hours to develop, which can make it hard to know which food is causing the allergy. It is very important to have it diagnosed if you suspect that you may have a food allergy, so that you can know for certain which foods to avoid. The first symptom of an allergic reaction to food is often itching and swelling in the mouth, tongue and throat. Some other common food allergy symptoms are:

skin reactions- hives, swelling, itching, eczema and redness
coughing, wheezing or a runny nose
swelling of the lips
sore, red and itchy eyes

Severe Symptoms, known as Anaphylaxis, can be life-threatening. It consists of a series of reactions in which the entire body's response to the allergen comes on suddenly. It can begins with sudden itching of the eyes or face and within minutes can progress to more serious symptoms, including:

Swelling of the esophagus which can make breathing and swallowing difficult
Abdominal pain and cramping
Diarrhea or bowel irritation
Mental confusion and/or dizziness

How Can You Know if Your Symptoms are Allergies or a Cold?

Allergies, colds and flus all share many of the same symptoms like congestion (stuffy nose), runny nose, and sneezing. One way to tell is that colds do not usually last longer than 10 days. If your symptoms carry on longer than then, then you may be experiencing allergy symptoms. Another clue can be "itchiness". Allergies often cause an itchy sensation in either your eyes or nose. Your allergy doctor can help determine the cause of your symptoms and how to treat them. Here are some simple guidelines.

It's probably an allergy if:

You have no fever.
Mucus secretions are clear and runny.
Sneezes occur in a rapid, multiple sequence.
Your nose, ears, and throat feel itchy (especially the palate or roof of your mouth).
Symptoms last longer than the typical duration of a cold (which is usually 7 to 10 days).
Your symptoms get worse when you are in one environment, and get better when you are not in that environment.
Your nose, ears, and throat are not as itchy after you take an antihistamine.
You feel stuffy and congested. Take the Congestion Test to see if you need treatment.

It may be a cold or the flu if:

You have a fever.
Your symptoms occur all together - normal allergy symptoms tend to appear more gradually.
You have a sore throat.
Your symptoms last only 7 to 10 days.

Mesothelioma Symptoms and Tests for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma symptoms are progressively slow and take years to surface. Early medical testing to confirm the etymology of its symptoms can add years on to your life, and can even offer you salvation from a normally fatal disease. If you’ve been exposed to asbestos and are experiencingmesothelioma symptoms, notify your doctor of any asbestos exposure and monitor your symptoms from their onset. Even short term asbestos exposure can result in non-fatal pleural diseases. Keeping a journal of your mesothelioma symptoms can assist you and your physician in medical diagnosis, and it may contribute to an asbestos claim.

The symptoms of mesothelioma will differ based on their origin. Pleural mesothelioma starts in the lung area, peritoneal mesothelioma starts in the abdomen area, and pericardial mesothelioma starts dangerously close to the heart. Benign and malignant mesothelioma have similar symptoms, and similar tests. Weight loss is a well-documented symptom in the majority of mesothelioma cases. Abdominal pain is a primary symptom of peritoneal mesothelioma. Both pleural mesothelioma symptomsand peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms include chest pain and shortness of breath.

Pleural mesothelioma medical tests look at the pleural lining, lung fluid, inflammatory conditions, tissue, blood counts and cells to help determine what type of pleural activity is going on inside your lungs. The tests will help diagnose whether yourmesothelioma symptoms might be due to pleural effusion, diffuse pleural thickening, asbestosis or other asbestos caused diseases that aren’t necessarily as dangerous as pleural mesothelioma, but can be due to their respiratory nature.

A CT scan will identify pleural thickening better than a chest X-ray. MRI and PET scans can then determine whether the pleural disease is diffuse pleural thickening or if it is malignant pleural mesothelioma. Blood tests can also give an indication of the possibility of cancer. Once cancer is the suspected cause of your mesothelioma symptoms, a biopsy will take place. Thoracentesis removes pleural fluid for diagnosis. Thoracoscopy uses a “camera” (endoscope) inserted into the chest for diagnose and a sample of tissue is taken at that time. Pleural mesothelioma starts in the pleural region, but it will progress to attach other major body organs, such as the heart or abdominal area.

Abdominal pain and bowel restrictions are common peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms. If peritoneal mesothelioma is suspected after the traditional CT, MRI and PET scans, a peritoneoscopy or paracentesis is likely. Peritoneoscopy is done in the hospital with a camera-like instrument called a peritoneoscope. Peritoneal mesothelioma has also been incidentally discovered while performing similar procedures involving infertility examinations on women. A fluid sample is obtained in a process called paracentesis. This involves a needle going into your abdomen to get a sample of the fluid.

Pericardial mesothelioma symptoms always involve severe chest pain. This is a cancer invading the sac over the heart. Thepericardial mesothelioma patient may even experience heart failure. Blood tests, CT scans, MRIs and PETs are just the beginning of pericardial mesothelioma medical tests. There will be pulmonary tests and potentially dangerous biopsies. Pericardial mesothelioma symptoms are frequently misdiagnosed. The cancer is very rare, and many well-known diseases display the same symptoms as pericardial mesothelioma. It is often during surgery that pericardial mesothelioma is discovered, and then it is usually too late.

Mesothelioma symptoms can be suggestive of many cancers or diseases. Medical testing for mesothelioma symptoms requires a long battery of tests to discover symptom origins. Medical tests for mesothelioma symptoms can expedite mesothelioma treatment. Symptoms take decades to surface. Start recording your mesothelioma symptoms and start your tests early. It’s better to test for mesothelioma symptoms early, before it’s too late.